5 Tips for LMS eCommerce Success 

Extending your LMS access to your wider community of associated partners can unlock a range of reciprocal benefits. From your retailers, distributors, franchisees, installers, and contractors there are a wealth of consumers who might welcome an easy solution to their own training needs. One of those true Win Win situations.

Here are 5 tips to make the most of your business’s, knowledge, experience, and resources, and boost your revenue in the process.

1. Assess your existing content To get started, assess your current assets. This will enable you to identify your target market and address any gaps in your existing content. Additionally, it’s an opportunity for you to refine existing resources to make them more consumer-friendly and increase the chances of customers buying. Assessing your existing content will also help you identify any pain points your prospective customers face and create content to that will be better suited to your target market.

2. Conduct market engagement
You have training material and a target market that you believe you can help. To offer a compelling proposition it is wise to engage with your prospective markets to understand use case scenarios and buyer behaviour. The feedback you get will help you to formulate the training packages you need to offer and inform your strategy of how to bring them to market.

3. Win customers with fewer payment barriers Most eCommerce sites use commercial payment gateways, such as Stripe and PayPal, and by utilising these established gateways you’ll be putting your customers at ease with a familiar user experience to their other online buying habits. Following on from your market engagement, you should also then try to replicate the payment preferences of your target markets. For example, some purchasers may only need to pay for their own access, whereas B2B transactions may require one person buying for many e.g. a manager purchasing several delegate spaces on behalf of their team via one card transaction.
4. Personalise your eCommerce ‘shop front’ Make it easy for your target market to browse and purchase physical and online items by adding a personalised, user-friendly ‘shop front’. Personalising your eCommerce shop front is an important part of creating audience-specific experiences that make it easy for them to see what they’ve paid for and track their own learning.
5. Consider add-on sale opportunities Much like how a retail eCommerce site encourages purchasers to buy related items, consider how your eCommerce LMS can do the same. On a simple level this might involve recommending courses from within course pages. You also might want to intertwine courses and add a level of gamification by unlocking access to a wider set of courses upon the completion of other courses – think, “progress to the next step.” Similarly, you may consider offering discounts on connected courses following the completion of a course or bundle of courses.

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